Upgrade Box

Leither Collection and Hooked on Socks Subscription Boxes are going DIGITAL!

Beginning with our April Box, we will be transitioning to digital patterns only, there will be an UPGRADE option for print patterns (turn over for upgrade option)

In the February and March box you will receive a print version in your box as well, but it will only be the print version of the patterns that are included in the box you ordered. This will be the same thing you would receive if you went with the upgrade option when it becomes available for the April box.

For example, print patterns for Leither Collection boxes will have the one skein pattern and yearlong pattern only inside the box. For the Hooked on Sock boxes you will have the Hooked on Socks printed pattern only inside the box.

You will still have access to all the digital patterns for that month which includes Leither Collection one skein pattern, Leither Collection yearlong pattern, Hooked on Socks pattern, plus 3-5 additional bonus patterns.

Due to all the price increases with our physical products inside our box in 2020/2021 (yarn, wood, hook tips, stitch markers, boxes, shipping and more), we are trying to do everything we can on holding off on a price increase for as long as we can. To help slow down the price increase at this time we have eliminated the small boxes that crochet hooks came in, switched to plain shipping boxes and now we are transitioning to digital crochet patterns for our boxes.

To access the digital crochet patterns every month, you will have to scan the QR code or type the link on the back of the collection card into your web browser and it will take you to the Dropbox folder where you can download all of the patterns included for that month.

Please note that this decision was not taken lightly, but we are really trying to prevent a price increase at this time.

If you would like to upgrade your box, please head to the link below and fill out the form and we will get back with you on how to upgrade your box to include the printed pattern.

*To upgrade beginning with the April box, you must contact us by March 15th for us to be able to make the change for the April Box.

 Box Upgrade Form


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